Faculty/Staff Email and Calendar

What Is It?

All Maricopa employees are expected to use their Maricopa email account for official communication. Your Maricopa email account should not be used for personal reasons. Likewise, all Maricopa employees are expected to keep their Maricopa calendar up to date. To access your Maricopa email login with your MEID@maricopa.edu. You will also have to authenticate using Duo Authentication. Once you have logged into your Maricopa email account you can access your calendar by clicking the “Google Apps” icon. The Google Apps icon is a set of 9 dots arranged in a square to the right of the search bar.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?

All Employees are eligible to use this service. 

Where Can I Get It?

Your Maricopa Employee email can be accessed at accounts.maricopa.edu with your MEID@maricopa.edu username and password. 
If you need additional assistance, please use the Request Support button to let us know how we can help.