Travel Packet

What Is It?

By definition, a field trip is any off-campus activity that is in addition to or in place of the regular class location. Student travel is governed by Administrative Regulation 1.15 — Travel. Non-students may NOT participate in officially sponsored activities, (i.e., field trips, tours, classroom functions) unless that person is requested to be present by an official of the college. Please read the Field Trip Process listed below for a comprehensive overview of this information. Within this process, you will find that all required student forms associated with travel are now online. Please note that if you are a club advisor you will still need to work with the Student Leadership Center staff to complete your travel paperwork.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?

Instructors and Club Advisors can request the creation of the dynamic forms travel packet and the URL link to this student packet.

Where Can I Get It?

Please see the Field Trip Travel Instructions webpage for the full guidelines and regulations regarding Travel Packet requests. 
When you are ready, please submit your request for support from the Travel Packet Creation button.