What Is It?
Our Property Loan process allows us to check devices to students for the duration of the semester for for coursework and college-related tasks.
Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?
Students who have internet access, are enrolled it at least 1 GCC course for the current semester, and have a clear borrowing record. For the full Terms and Conditions, please read the Student Property Loan Agreement link under the Student Technology Request button.
Where Can I Get It?
Click the Student Technology Request button for submit your request. Once submitted, monitor your student email for pick-up instructions. There is a 24-hour waiting period while eligibility is reviewed, please wait 1 business day before attempting to pick up your requested laptop. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) below for additional information about this service. If you have questions that are not answered there, please email devicerequest@gccaz.edu for support.
Q; I submitted a laptop request this morning, can I pick up my laptop?
A: There is a 24-hour waiting period while eligibility is reviewed, please wait 1 business day before attempting to pick up your requested laptop. If you have already waited 1 business day, please visit us in High Tech 1 during business hours to pick up your requested device.
Q: I am not able to make it during the distribution event, can I still pick up a laptop?
A: The distribution events help us to make sure that we have staff available to assist with this service. We know this will not work for every student, so you are of course able to pick up a device outside of these scheduled times. You are welcome to visit High Tech 1 any time during business hours to pick up a device. We will begin issuing devices for each semester 1 week before the semester start date. There is a 24-hour waiting period to review eligibility, so please plan to wait 1 business day from the time of your submission.
Q; Can someone else pick up the device for me?
A: No, for security reasons we are not able to accommodate this request. Our laptops require that the borrower log in one time from campus before they will allow remote login. We are not able to allow a third party to use the device, and the Technology Use directive prohibits password sharing. If another accommodation is needed, please email devicerequest@gccaz.edu for support.
Q: Can someone else drop off the device for me?
A: You can have another person return the device to the Service Desk in HT1 for you. You are responsible for the device in accordance with the signed Property Loan Agreement until it is returned to the Service Desk in working order.
Q: What are the eligibility requirements?
A: Students have 3 eligibility requirements. They must be enrolled in at least 1 GCC class for the current semester, have their own network access, and have a clear borrowing record. (Students who returned damaged devices, fail to return borrowed equipment, or return late may have borrowing privileges revoked or limited in accordance with the PLA Borrowing Policy)
Q: Can I extend my loan?
A: We are unable to extend loans to students for consecutive semesters as our devices need to check into our network and be imaged on occasion. Devices are also on a first come first served basis, so our inventory needs to be returned so it is available for all students to use. Extensions are only granted with instructor approval. If an instructor grants students additional time to complete coursework for a specific class, they can send an email to devicerequest@gccaz.edu to arrange an extension for the period granted to complete coursework up to 1 week before the following semester's start date. If a device is needed for the following semester, a new Property Loan Agreement will need to be submitted and an alternative device issued.
Q: How do I get the correct device type?
A: Device type will be assigned based on course enrollment, while available. The Service Desk will verify that students are actively enrolled in GCC courses and assign the needed device type required to complete your enrolled courses. Courses like AVC, ART, CAD, CIS, CSC, BPC, ect all have specific requirements, and if you are enrolled in any one of those the selection will be made by the service desk when entering the student's information into the database. These devices have limited availability, and are available on a first-come first served basis. If a sufficient device is not available we will alert you and provide an alternative support option where possible.
Q: I paid the technology replacement fee, can I keep the laptop?
A: The short answer to this is no. GCC does not have a process for selling our equipment to our users. Students who fail to return their devices will be charged a technology replacement fee. This fee is for the technology replacement of the device that failed to be returned in accordance with the borrowing policy and is not a purchasing agreement. That device is and will continue to be GCC property. The fee students incur due to failing to return borrowed equipment can be reversed when the equipment is returned to us and we no longer need to replace it.
If you have questions that are not answered here, please email devicerequest@gccaz.edu for support.