Popular Services
Inquire about your planned Newly Eligible, Annual, or Special Open Enrollment Window.
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is Daily Life Assistance, Legal, Financial, and Mental Health Counseling.
There are many parts to retirement -- start with Resources & Guides: https://sites.google.com/domail.maricopa.edu/re...
Questions about benefit credits and deductions on your paycheck
All employees, including part-time, are eligible to participate in our plans. We offer 403(b), 457(b), and Roth versions. Find details at https://sites.google.com/domail.maricopa.edu/re...
Questions about making changes to your benefits for a life event like a marriage, divorce, birth, gain or loss of other coverage, etc.
Includes Banner|Aetna, CVS Minute Clinic, 98point6, claim assistance, finding a provider or service, etc.
Issues related to paycheck shortage/overage, absence balance issues, or other questions related to your paycheck.
Inquire about Voluntary and Company Paid Short-Term Disability, ASRS Long-Term Disability, and Basic and Supplemental AD&D, including Statement of Health (SOH) and Evidence of Insurability (EOI).
Basic, Supplemental, Spouse, and Child Life Insurance questions, including Statement of Health (SOH) and Evidence of Insurability (EOI)