How to Update Your Profile on Phoenix College Directory

Tags Directory Web


How to access and update your information in the Phoenix College Directory.


  1. Go to
  2. Click the "Login to Maricopa Community Colleges" Button
  3. Once logged in, the top blue banner will look similar to this image. Click on "Profile".
  4. The Profile has two changeable sections: your personal information, and your job information (My Jobs)
    1. In the Personal Information section, you can:
      1. Add an Image
      2. Change the Name that is displayed (this will only affect the Phoenix College Directory)
      3. Add additional Phone Numbers.
      4. Add additional Email Addresses.
      5. Add Links to personal articles, etc..., and
      6. Create a Biography

    2. In the My Jobs section, you can:
      1. Display a different job title by Adding an "Override Job Name"
      2. Hide the job entirely by checking the "Hide This Job" box


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Article ID: 271
Tue 8/13/24 12:14 PM
Tue 8/13/24 1:38 PM