Service Catalog

Categories (12)

Accounts and Access

Information about accounts and access, including login issues, password resets, new account requests, system and application access requests, and more.

Applications and Software

Request new software, updates to existing software, custom Phoenix College web applications, or report issues with any of the above.

Classroom Technology and AV

Requests and issues in classrooms, computer labs, and collaborative spaces.

Communication and Collaboration

Support for email, calendar, instant messaging, and related services such as distribution lists, resource calendars, or shared mailboxes.

Computer, Device, and Printing Support

Request a new or replacement device, device support services, install a printer, or gain access to an existing one.

Data, Reporting, and Analytics

Requests related to reporting data, dashboards, analytics tools, and access to data stores or reports.


Support for AV and media needs for events on campus.

Facilities and Grounds

Requests related to building and grounds maintenance, such as heating and cooling, keys, painting, custodial, and others.

Information Security

Engage with the Information Security Office for consulting, learn about our IT security policies, data integrity and compliance; report viruses, malware, or email phishing.

Network and Infrastructure

Network, wifi, door access, and security camera requests.

Teaching, Learning, and Instructional Technology

CTL support for Canvas, instructional technology, and items directly impacting teaching and learning.

Web Services

Make a change to existing web content, request a new site, or get assistance with any of the web-hosted content at Phoenix College.

Services (1)

General IT Help

Request help for any issue if you're not sure where to go. We will work with you to ensure it gets to the right team to resolve.