My Recently Visited Services
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is Daily Life Assistance, Legal, Financial, and Mental Health Counseling.
Questions about benefit credits and deductions on your paycheck
Inquire about your planned Newly Eligible, Annual, or Special Open Enrollment Window.
Wellness Maricopa communications come in many flavors; with all of the wellness events, initiatives, and programs, we want to give you many ways of reading about and acting on this information. Our wellness communications and information resources include our Wellness Maricopa Events Calendar, the Wellness Maricopa Website with pages dedicated to EAP and Mental Health, and Dimensions (our new Wellness Maricopa Newsletter with announcements, featured articles, healthy recipes, and more). Please feel free to select if you have questions about the available programs or want more information.
There are many parts to retirement -- start with Resources & Guides:
Questions about making changes to your benefits for a life event like a marriage, divorce, birth, gain or loss of other coverage, etc.
Request a Benefits Eligibility Letter, Termination of Benefits Letter, and Medicare CMS L-564 Form
Issues related to paycheck shortage/overage, absence balance issues, or other questions related to your paycheck.
Support related to HCM System Payroll Issues
All employees, including part-time, are eligible to participate in our plans. We offer 403(b), 457(b), and Roth versions. Find details at