Enrollment Sync Processes

Tags Canvas


When does the enrollment sync process happen in Canvas? 

Enrollment Sync Times

  • If a user is in Canvas and their course is in Canvas, the enrollment sync to Canvas for new or updated enrollments from SIS will start at the following times:
    • 3:00 am
    • 9:00 am
    • 3:00 pm
    • 9:00 pm

Note: please allow processing time. 

  • It is recommended the automated sync process be allowed to completed for students who are placed into withdrawn status in SIS rather than manually deactivating them, as a manual deactivation can impact the enrollment update sync outcome. For example, rather than students remaining in the course for six hours (the time between enrollment sync process runs), they could potentially be in the course for up to 36 hours (the time for the next full enrollment process).
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Article ID: 69
Fri 2/16/24 3:01 PM
Mon 3/4/24 10:18 AM