Articles (6)

Canvas User Account Creation Process

User accounts in Canvas are accessible differently based on roles. Students gain access immediately upon online application submission or through syncing from the Student Information System (SIS) the same day for paper applications. Instructors receive account access upon addition to the Instructor's Table in SIS, typically at the time of hiring, while staff accounts are created via System Access requests.

Enrollment Sync Processes

The enrollment sync process in Canvas happens at 3:00 am, 9:00 am, 3:00 pm, and 9:00 pm. It's recommended to let the automated sync complete for withdrawn students in SIS to avoid sync issues.

Re-authorize Webex Account In Canvas

Users encountering Webex reauthorization issues in Canvas face disruptions. Expired tokens hinder meeting access and feature utilization. To resolve, access Canvas's Webex integration settings, reauthorize the account, and verify details. Prevent future issues by updating integration settings and maintaining current Webex credentials. Refer to official support documentation for assistance. Regular communication on system updates helps mitigate disruptions and keeps users informed.

Setting up Notifications in Canvas

Get help with setting up your Canvas notifications and to confirm your email within Canvas.

Setting up Your Profile in Canvas

This article is for users who want to set up or edit their profile within Canvas.

Turning on Automatic Closed Captions

Instructions on how to turn on the "Auto Show Closed Caption" feature in Canvas.