Software Application Access

When should you use these services?

NOTE: Access to many common Maricopa applications is controlled via a user's MEID credentials

Select an option to the right, depending on your needs​​:

  • Request Access - request user access to common Maricopa applications
  • Revoke Access - revoke a user's access to common Maricopa applications
  • Troubleshoot Access - get help troubleshooting access to an application

The tickets will be assigned to the applicable system or application teams.

Request Access Revoke Access Troubleshoot Access


Service ID: 270
Tue 2/13/24 10:12 AM
Sat 3/2/24 2:48 PM

Service Offerings (3)

Request Access
Request access to Common Maricopa Software Applications
Revoke Access
Revoke access to a system or application.
Troubleshoot Access
Troubleshoot access issues with a system or application, including locked accounts.