This article is to make sure that you have the correct audio and video settings selected in a standard classroom or on your issued computer. If you are in a Hyflex classroom, use this Hyflex KB Article
Click on the issue you are having:
Open the sound settings for the computer by right-clicking on the speaker icon in the lower right-hand corner of the Windows 11 start page and clicking "Sound Settings".

Select the correct output for sound under the Output heading and adjust the volume if it is too low. In standard classrooms, ensure that the "ExtronScalerD" is selected on the Sound Settings page and that the volume is not muted or too low to hear.

Select the virtual meeting software you are using to view instructions on selecting audio sources:
In a non-Hyflex classroom, the audio output selected should be ExtronScalerD, and the audio input should be the Live Streamer Cam 313 (this is the webcam on top of the monitor).
Select the virtual meeting software you are using to view instructions on selecting a camera:
In a non-Hyflex classroom, you may see a couple of options for video cameras.
- Live Streamer Cam 313 - This is the webcam on top of the monitor.
- If you select this camera and see a black screen, it could be because the privacy shutter is closed
This is what the webcam looks like when the privacy shutter is closed.

This is what the webcam looks like if the privacy shutter is open:

- Lumens Document Camera - This is the document camera. You can select this if you want to sent the video from the document camera as your camera feed to all students in the class.