Classroom Device Troubleshooting and Training

What Is It?

Most classrooms and conference rooms at SCC are equipped with an Instructor Station, also called a Crestron Media System, that displays a computer monitor onto a projector screen or large-screen TV. Most of these Instructor Stations also have DVD players, Document cameras and the ability to connect a laptop. For a variety of reasons, the systems in every room are not all the same. The different classroom levels use either a Remote Control, Keypad or Touch Panel to operate the equipment.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?

Employees who will be using classroom spaces for meeting, training, or instruction. 

Where Can I Get It?

We want you to be comfortable and confident using the technology in your classrooms, so please contact us if you have questions. We can arrange to have a technician meet you in your classroom, at a preferred time, for an equipment demonstration. Use the "Request Classroom Demo" button to schedule a media system demonstration. Please allow at least 24 hours notice when scheduling a demonstration.