Software Purchase Request

What Is It?

There are three main categories of software requests.

  1. New Purchase: We do not own it or it is not part of an existing license agreement. Requires a purchase, and complete testing and configuration are required for delivery.
  2. Renewal: We own it, but a new purchase is required to update and maintain the application. Typically complete testing and configuration are required for delivery.
  3. Request for Installation: An application that we own and that is not available in a self-service option. Typically requires targeting a device or individual to receive the application.
Where do I Start?
  1. New Purchases: Submit a ticket explaining the software you would like to purchase, also include in the ticket the vendor's contact information.  If you have a quote generated include that in the service ticket.  The software will be vetted for compatibility and decision to move forward will be shared with the requester. 
  2. Software renewals: Most renewals have to go through legal, please submit a renewal request 60-90 days in advance.  You may expedite your renewal by completing the TSRF in advance.
  3. Software installation: Submit a ticket with information of what devices need the software, where the devices are located, and how soon the software installation is needed.





Submit Software Purchase Request


Service ID: 236
Tue 2/6/24 5:27 PM
Fri 9/13/24 4:19 PM