Network Outage or Incident

What Is It?

From a non-functioning network port or a Wifi outage in a building, network outages occur from time to time.

It is important to report outages or incidents (i.e. moving a piece of furniture and breaking a network port on a wall) as soon as possible so SCC ITS can address the issue and resolve it as quickly as possible to keep the continuity of business stable and flowing.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?

Staff, faculty and students.

Where Can I Get It?

Click on the "Report a network outage" Please ensure you are as thorough as you can be when it comes to building and office location as well as what issues you are experiencing.

Submit a Network Incident

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Service ID: 243
Tue 2/6/24 8:33 PM
Mon 7/15/24 10:23 AM