Technology Checkout Request

What Is It?

Technology checkout involves lending or borrowing technology devices, such as laptops, for a specified period. Users can temporarily use the equipment for work or educational purposes.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?

Students are eligible to check out laptops, while supplies are available, for the duration of the semester. Students must have Internet access, be enrolled in at least 1 SCC course, and have a clear borrower record. For the full terms and conditions, please reach out to our Service Desk @ 480-423-6274. The Service Desk staff will then instruct you on the next steps in the process. 

Employees are eligible to check out various products such as; Same Day event laptops, Artie's Toolkits (Multimedia bag which includes; Doc camera, 180o 4k web cam, external microphone, ring light and more). The SCC Media Department also has various legacy equipment that can be loaned out for events or classroom use. 

Where Can I Get It?

Students can request a laptop by reaching out to our Service Desk @ 480-423-6274.

Employees simply need to click the "Request to borrow technology" button to get started.

Submit Technology Borrow Request


Service ID: 428
Wed 2/21/24 1:43 PM
Thu 8/29/24 9:08 AM