
What Is It?

Assisting users with troubleshooting and resolving issues related to printers.

Who Is Eligible to Use This Service?

All students and employees are eligible to use on-campus printing services or request assistance with these services. 

Where Can I Get It?

IT provides network and server-side support for our printers, while Pacific Office Automation (POA) provides support for our leased copiers including maintenance and supplies. 

More information on POA's Copy & Mail services can be found here


POA Copy Center Information Request Printing Support


Service ID: 435
Thu 2/22/24 1:24 PM
Tue 7/16/24 12:34 PM

Service Offerings (2)

Pacific Office Automation (POA) Copy Center Information
Link to the SCC Copy Center website, located on the southwest corner of the LIB building
Request Printing Support
Request printer support and troubleshooting including; print quality issues, errors and failure to print, no printers showing or incorrect printer is mapped.